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In fiscal year 2023, The Ohio State University set a new record in its annual research and development expenditures, reaching $1.449 billion, marking a 6% increase from the previous fiscal year's…

In a pioneering effort to combat climate change, scientists at The Ohio State University are exploring the potential of viruses to enhance carbon capture in the oceans and mitigate methane…

Last November, the ANET-POLENET field team, a group of dedicated scientists and researchers led by Byrd Center Principal Investigator Terry Wilson, embarked on their 2023-2024 field season in West…

The recent warming trend since the mid-20th century poses a significant threat to the glaciers and ice sheets on the Tibetan Plateau. While glaciers in the Himalayas and the southern part of the…

The Quelccaya Ice Cap (QIC) in Peru, recognized as one of the world's largest tropical ice caps, has been the focus of extensive research, particularly in studying its fluctuations during the…

The Byrd Center is pleased to announce that three new Byrd-affiliated faculty members in the School of Earth Sciences (SES) will start in January 2024! A warm welcome to Emilie Beaudon, Melisa…

Byrd Center researchers at The Ohio State University have developed a deep-learning model to identify surface features associated with subsurface reservoirs of naturally occurring free hydrogen.…

Researchers at The Ohio State University are advancing wildfire management by integrating remote sensing technology, specifically Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), for more effective detection and…

In a comprehensive study spanning 300 years (1700-2005) of an ice core from Svalbard in the European high Arctic, researchers examined the sources and characteristics of black…