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2022 | Byrd Center Symposium on Climate Change Research

2022 | Byrd Center Symposium on Climate Change Research

4th Annual Byrd Center Symposium on Climate Change Research at Ohio State

Friday   |   October 21, 2022  |  10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 


The purpose of the Byrd Center's annual Symposium is to showcase climate change research at Ohio State and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • Onsite registration is now closed.
  • The onsite registration fee includes light refreshments during breaks.
  • Lunch will be available with vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options.
  • Those who indicate an intent to present posters will be asked to submit final titles and abstracts in late September, as well as pdf versions of the poster to place online.
  • Lunch fees will be waived for student poster presenters.
  • There is a pre-conference event for individuals that are currently teaching classes focused on climate to learn about ways of expanding climate education on campus. This event will be held from 8am-10am, before the symposium starts.
  • Onsite attendees will be expected to follow OSU protocols regarding the prevention of COVID-19 transmission.

For non-OSU participant registration, please contact us at byrd-contact@osu.edu.

In-person registration is now closed. 

Limited virtual coverage will be provided for the Byrd Center Symposium on Climate Change Research via zoom for those who cannot attend our in-person event. 

Virtual access will be limited to the keynote presentations.



10:15Welcome, Event Overview

Keynote Presentation

  • Jacqueline Patterson - Chisholm Legacy Project, former Senior Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program
11:30Collect Lunches

Breakout Sessions with Working Lunch



Climate modeling, sustainability


Sustainability Institute, Geography

Climate Risk and Sustainability: How are companies preparing for and managing climate risk?

Speaker 1: Mitch Carpen, Climate Risk Executive - Key Bank, Managing Climate Risk in a Bank’s lending portfolio

Speaker 2: TBD


Climate modeling, Agriculture


SCOO, CFAES, OSU Extension

Primer: Climate Change, Impacts, and How Agriculture is Adapting to Build Resilience (presentation)




Wexner Medical Center, College of Medicine, Physicians for Climate Action

Plant-Based Diets for Patient and Planetary Health

Learn about the connection of plant-based diets to positive clinical outcomes and environmental health. This working session will then review a draft of patient education on this topic, provide feedback, and that patient brochure will then be piloted by a physician in early 2023.


Keynote Presentation

  • Dr. Britt Wray - Human and Planetary Health Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health

Breakout Sessions



Climate modeling, sustainability


Sustainability Institute, Geography

Listening Session: What are the strengths, opportunities, and gaps at the Ohio State University related to climate risk assessments?


Climate and Agriculture



SCOO, CFAES, OSU Extension

Listening Session: What is needed at OSU to strengthen Ag-Climate related programming and research and its connections with other disciplines? 

What does climate resilient agriculture look like in Ohio, the Midwest, and the US? 




Wexner Medical Center, College of Medicine, Physicians for Climate Action

Achieving the Impossible: Moonshot Climate Action

Learn from health systems that are achieving the impossible – such as the first “net zero” surgery, or setting carbon negative goals. The College of Medicine will also review the inaugural Planetary Health Scorecard for OSU, and participate in a working dialogue about actions to take next for us to achieve our own “moonshot climate action.”

3:20Poster Session with Appetizers
4:45Event Concludes