Education and Engagement

Education and Engagement


The education and engagement programs of the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center focus on conveying the cutting-edge science of the Center’s research teams, improving geosciences education and providing educational opportunities and technical expertise on climate change.

Engagement Programs of the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center are supported by the following:

Ongoing Work

In addition to the specific projects listed above, the Education and Engagement Group manages much of the public web content of the Center and its social media streams, produces newsletters, arranges brown bag talks and seminars and communicates information via the Center's listservs. The Group also designs and updates displays for Center researchers, conducts facility tours and public programs, arranges speakers for off-site programs, provides engagement training and partners on lesson development, produces graphical and video content, and works to establish collaborations both on and off-campus. The Education and Engagement Group works closely with the State Climate Office of Ohio.

2021-2024 Areas of Focus

  • Communicate the science of the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center.
  • Improve educational materials and instruction in the geosciences in both formal and informal settings.
  • Communicate accurate and timely information about climate change and increase educational opportunities.
  • Establish and grow strategic partnerships both on and off-campus, with a particular focus on climate.   
  • Provide quality opportunities for Byrd Center members and affiliates to improve their teaching, engagement and collaboration.

Newsletter and Contact Information

To receive periodic updates from the Byrd Center, subscribe to our newsletter or join us on social media.

To contact the group directly, sent an e-mail


Clark, T., Clark, C., Jeong, S., & Cervenec, J. (2024). Using Content Area Reading to Support an Interdisciplinary Storyline Involving Climate Science. Journal of Chemical Education.  

Fields, J., Davis, G., Leasor, Z., & Cervenec, J. (2024). ChatGPT in Climatology: Transforming Climate Research with Conversational AI. Journal of Applied and Service Climatology.  

Davis, G., Cervenec, J., Wilson, A., Sohngen, B., Fields, J., Eyerman, J., & Scaccia, M. (2024). Climate and Weather. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist.  

Cervenec, J., Chudley, T., Helterbrand, J., Street, P., & Bertolo, V. (2024). A Safer “Flubber” Recipe. Connected Science Learning, 1-5. 

Cervenec, J., Mullins, A., Sierra-Hernández, M.R., Arens, A. Spanish-Language Virtual Tour of Mount Huascarán in Peru. Translingual: The Journal of International Voices. (2023, Dec 1)

Cervenec J., Davis G., Gravina M.T., Hamilton D. A Tool for Exploring Our Fluid Earth. The Physics Teacher. 2023 September; 61(6):432. DOI: Phys. Teach. 61, 432–435 (2023)

O'Brien K.R., Price C., Hayde D., Brenner C., Cervenec J., Gopalakrishnan S. Utilizing Off-Campus Spaces to Engage Third-Space Labor Across the Disciplines to Build Community Partnership. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor. 2023 October 02; 34.

Cervenec, J., Davis, G., Peggau, K., Wilson, A., Mark, B. 'It's us,' 'there's hope,' and 4 other things we must face about climate change. The Columbus Dispatch. 2023, July 12.

Hamilton, D., Cervenec, J., Maletic, E., and Patterson, J. (2022). A Low-Cost, User-Friendly Technology for Making Samples and Artifacts Accessible to Online Audiences. Connected Science Learning, Nov-Dec 2022, Volume 4, Issue 6.

Peggau, K., Cervenec, J., Van Tassell, E., Fletcher, A., Hogan, S., Kridel, E., and Iverson, E. (2022). Connecting Youth Using Arctic Mystery-Themed Kits. Journal of STEM Outreach 5 (1): 1–12. DOI:

Cervenec, J., Fox, J., Peggau, K., Wilson, A. B., Li, B., Hu, D., Chang, R., Wong, J., and Bossley, C. (2022). Interactive data visualizations of Earth’s atmosphere: Effects on student engagement and perceived learning, Journal of Geoscience Education, DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2022.2038963

Gravina, M., Zhan, M., Cai, M., Arens, A., and Cervenec, J. (2022, Apr 29). Fluid Earth: Open-source Visualization of Weather and Climate Data. GIS Lounge. 

Harris, K., Krok, K., Hollister, R., and Cervenec, J. (2021). Virtual tours through the ice using everyday tools. Eos, 102. Published on 09 July 2021.

Hunt, M. and Cervenec, J. 2021. Exploring Polar Science. Ohio State University Extension Publishing.

Cervenec, J., Wilson, A. B., Dipre, G. R., Shockey, A., and Celebrezze, D. 2018. Columbus Climate Adaptation Plan. DOI:  

Petcovic, H., J. Cervenec, K. Cheek, R. Dahl, N. Price, and E. Pyle. (2018). Research on Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Earth and Space Sciences Teacher Education. In St. John, K. (Ed.) (2018). A Community Framework for Geoscience Education Research. National Association of Geoscience Teachers:

Gordon, S.I., Cervenec, J., Durand, M., Introducing Teachers to Modeling Water in Urban Environments. Journal of Computational Science Education. Volume 7, Issue 1 (April 2016), pp. 15–20.

Former Members

Undergraduate Students

  • Adelyn Arens
  • Whitney Baxter
  • Vigo Bertolo
  • Maria Burns
  • Mimi Cai
  • Ryan Cummings
  • Daniel Hamilton
  • Kira Harris
  • Joseph Helterbrand
  • Jacob Hoelscher
  • Andrew Hutchman
  • Kasey Krok
  • Bingyu (Sophia) Li
  • Shaniqwa Martin
  • Claire Mercer
  • Cameron Roberts
  • James Roubal
  • Emily Sambuco
  • Maria Scaccia
  • Addie White
  • Michael Zhan
  • Yihao (Sam) Zhang

High School Students

  • Amadou Agne
  • Nathan Browning
  • Charlie Lanning
  • Keron Mensah
  • Tasia Sloan
  • Kamari Sloan
  • Chloe Smith

Graduate Students and Staff

  • Ryan Crumley
  • Geoff Dipre
  • Carol Landis
  • Emilio Mateo
  • Julien Nicolas
  • Nathan Patrick
  • Karina Peggau
  • Stacy Porter
  • Austin Weber
  • Aaron Wilson