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Current Funding Opportunities

Due DateTitleOrganizationKeywords
Dates vary, 2024Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2024: an omnibus solicitation, with many individual program elements, each with its own due dates and topics. Table 2 and Table 3 of this NRA, which will provide proposal due dates and hypertext links to descriptions of the solicited program elements in the Appendices of this NRA.NASA 
Preliminary 02/13/2024 

Institutional Transformation Alliance proposals 08/30/2024
Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)NSF 
07/24/2024Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)NSF 
08/15/2024Physical OceanographyNSFOceans
09/16/2024Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet) NSFInternational
09/23/2024Cooperative Studies Of The Earth's Deep Interior (CSEDI)NSFGeophysics
09/30/2024Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM)NSFGeophysics
10/21/2024Paleo Perspectives on Present and Projected Climate (P4CLIMATE)NSFPaleoclimate, Climate
10/24/2024Paleo Perspectives on Present and Projected Climate (P4CLIMATE)NSF 
10/25/2024Geoscience Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity (GOLD-EN)NSFDiversity, Education
10/30/2024EAR Postdoctoral FellowshipsNSFPostdoctoral
11/08/2024Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE- PRF)NSFOceans
12/06/2024Geoinformatics (GI)NSFGeospatial, Computing, GNSS, GIS
12/15/2023Arctic Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (Arctic DDRIG) Arctic Social Sciences, Arctic System Sciences, and Arctic Observing Network (DDRIG)NSFPolar, Graduate
Accepted AnytimeGeobiology and Low-Temperature GeochemistryNSF 
Accepted AnytimeEarth Sciences Instrumentation and Facilities (EAR/IF)NSF 
Accepted AnytimeGeophysics (PH)NSFGeophysics
Accepted AnytimeTectonicsNSFTectonics, Geophysics
Accepted AnytimeDivision of Environmental Biology (DEB)NSF 
Accepted AnytimeAtmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (AGS-PRF)NSFPostdoctoral
Accepted AnytimeEstablished Program to Stimulate Competitive Research: Workshop Opportunities (EPS-WO)NSFWorkshops
Accepted AnytimePetrology and Geochemistry (CH)NSFGeophysics, Geochemistry
Accepted AnytimeHydrologic Sciences (HS)NSFHydrology, Climate
Accepted AnytimeArctic Research OpportunitiesNSFArctic, Polar
Accepted AnytimeGeomorphology and Land-use DynamicsNSFLand Cover/Land Use Change, Hazards, Geomorphology
Accepted AnytimeInnovation Corps - National Innovation Network Teams Program (I-CorpsTM Teams)NSFIndustry
Accepted AnytimeAntarctic Research Not Requiring U.S. Antarctic Program Field SupportNSFAntarctica, Polar
Accepted AnytimeAeronomyNSFAtmosphere, Geophysics
Accepted AnytimeAtmospheric ChemistryNSFAtmosphere, Geochemistry, Environment, Weather, Climate, Human Health
Accepted AnytimeClimate and Large-Scale Dynamics (CLD)NSFClimate, Weather
Accepted AnytimeEducation Programs in Atmospheric and Geospace SciencesNSFEducation
Accepted AnytimeGeospace Facilities (GF)NSFFacilities, Equipment
Accepted AnytimeMagnetospheric PhysicsNSFGeophysics, Atmosphere
Accepted AnytimePaleoclimateNSFPaleoclimate
Accepted AnytimePhysical and Dynamic Meteorology (PDM)NSFWeather, Climate
Accepted AnytimeSolar TerrestrialNSFGeophysics
Accepted AnytimeMarine Geology and Geophysics (MG&G)NSFOceans, Geophysics
Accepted AnytimeOcean Drilling Program (ODP)NSFPaleoclimate, Oceans, Geology


Please contact Cathy Carson at the Byrd Center for more information/assistance.

Email: carson.7@osu.edu
Phone: (614) 688-0548