Diversifying Geosciences

It is well known that the geosciences have the least ethnic, racial, and gender diversity of the physical sciences. Further, there has been little change in diversity over the last forty years (Bernard and Cooperdock, 2018). In Polar ENV, we are leaders in helping to diversify Earth and environmental sciences at local and regional levels.
Science Communication

The broader significance of scientific research can be difficult to ascertain, but all research has important societal relevance. The key is developing effective science communication strategies. Polar ENV addresses science communication through a variety of mediums. We have helped to create coloring pages, virtual reality tours, and have appeared in public media.
Community Engagement

Whether we conduct field work in remote regions or in urbanized settings, community engagement is a crucial aspect of research. All members of Polar ENV participate in community engagement events ranging from film panels to science fairs to public demonstrations and interactive booths.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

Diversity, equity, inclusion-based societies create safe spaces to advance research and exploration. SACNAS is dedicated to fostering the success of diverse scientists, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. The organization hosts the world's largest annual diversity in STEM conference and supports 118 student and professional chapters. Polar ENV has been involved in local SACNAS chapters and has organized sessions for the National Diversity in STEM conference since 2015.