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Lonnie Thompson, a distinguished university professor at The Ohio State University School of Earth Sciences, has amazed the world with his audacious expeditions to Earth's loftiest peaks. With 70…

The extraction of limitless clean energy from underground in the form of geological hydrogen is the focus of Koloma, a startup company co-founded by Tom Darrah, a professor at The Ohio State…


In a recent scientific discovery, researchers successfully revived a microscopic roundworm encased in 46,000-year-old Siberian permafrost. Remarkably, the roundworm was so well-…

Earlier this year, scientists released research findings that suggested an accelerated weakening of Atlantic overturning circulation was likely associated with an optimal salinity fingerprint.…

Recent research has revealed limitations of process-based models in accurately capturing the carbon-water coupling in permafrost regions compared to satellite-based analyses that account for…

After decades of decline due to marine disease, climate change and a number of other environmental stressors, the critically endangered elkhorn coral has found the ideal location to rebuild its…

Climate conversations often focus on the severity of climate change, or the "it's real," "it's us," "experts agree," and "it's bad," but experts want to make sure constituents know that "others…

In a recent article published in The Conversation, titled "Coca-Cola's biggest challenge in greening its operations is its own global marketing strategy," the author, Bart Elmore,…

Tom Chudley, Leverhulme research fellow at Durham University in the United Kingdom and former research associate at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at…