Bryan Mark

Bryan Mark

Bryan Mark

Professor, Geography

614 247-6180

1136 Derby Hall
154 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • Earth-Water-Atmosphere Interactions
  • Tropical Glaciers


  • Ph.D. 2001, Syracuse University , Department of Earth Sciences, Syracuse, NY, USA
  • M.A. 1995, The Ohio State University , Department of Geography, Columbus, OH, USA
  • B.A. 1992, Brown University , Department of History, Providence, RI, USA

State Climate Office of Ohio

Glacier Environmental Change Research Group

Current CV:   Bryan Mark CV.pdf

Interests: Earth-Water-Atmosphere Interactions, Tropical Glaciers

Current Research: I am interested in climate-glacier-hydrologic dynamics over different time scales, with a particular focus on the coupled human-natural systems of water resources of the tropical Andes.  My Glacier Environmental Change research group affiliated with the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center addresses physical and human dimensions of environmental change in glacierized landscapes in sites all along the American Cordillera, as well as Africa and Asia. We collaborate with researchers in different institutions internationally, and use multiple methods from paleoclimatology, geomorphology, embedded instrumentation, hydrology, GIS, remote sensing, and biogeochemistry.

Courses Taught:
Geography 2800-Physical Geography and Environmental Issues
Geography 3901H-Global Climate and Environmental Change (Honors)
Geography 3900-Global Climate Change: Causes and Consequences
Geography 5900-Climatology
Geography 8901-Problems in Climatology (Climate History, Mountain Geography, Issues in Climate, Water & Carbon)
Geography 8896-Interdisciplinary Seminar in Arctic & Alpine Research

Select Recent Publications: 

2020    Sambuco, E.,  B.G. Mark, N. Patrick, J.Q. DeGrand, D.F. Porinchu, S.A. Reinemann, G. Baker and J.E. Box. Mountain temperature changes from embedded sensors spanning 2000m in Great Basin National Park, 2006-2018. Frontiers in Earth Science – Hydrosphere (part of Special Research Topic: Connecting Mountain Hydroclimate Through the American Cordilleras, guest-edited by Fernandez, A., Mark, B.G., and Baraer, M.).

2020    Palacios, D., C. R. Stokes, F. M. Phillips, J. J. Clague, J. Alcalá-Reygosa, N. Andrés, I. Angel, P.-H. Blard, J. P. Briner, B. L. Hall, D. Dahms, A. S. Hein, V. Jomelli, B. G. Mark, M. A. Martini, P. Moreno, J. Riedel, E. Sagredo, N. D. Stansell, L. Vázquez-Selem, M. Vuille, and D. J. Ward. The deglaciation of the Americas during the Last Glacial Termination. Earth-Science Reviews 203:103113.

2019    Somers, L., J. McKenzie, B.G. Mark, P. Lagos, G-H Ng, A. Wickert, C. Yarleque, M. Baraer and Y. Silva. Groundwater buffers decreasing glacier melt in the Andes - but not forever. Geophysical Research Letters 46, 13016-13026.

2019  Wigmore, O., B.G. Mark, J. McKenzie, M. Baraer, L. and Lautz. Sub-metre mapping of surface soil moisture in proglacial valleys of the tropical Andes using a multispectral unmanned aerial vehicle. Remote Sensing of Environment 222, 104-118.

2018    Eddy, A., B.G. Mark, M. Baraer, J. McKenzie, A. Fernandez, S. Welch and S. Fortner. Exploring patterns and controls on the hydrochemistry of proglacial streams in the upper Santa River, Peru. Revista de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña, 3: 41-57.

2018    Labore S., S.C. Phang, M. Ahmadou, N. Henry, A. Fernández, M. Durand, I.M. Hamilton, S. Kari, A. Mahamat, B.G. Mark, P. Scholte, A. Shastry, R. Ziebe and M. Moritz. Co-producing research in the “Red Zone”: Adaptation to fieldwork constrains with a transdisciplinary approach. Geographical Journal 184, 369-383. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12264.

2017 Mark, B.G. and A. Fernandez. The significance of mountain glaciers as sentinels of climate and environmental change. Geography Compass 11(6). 2017;11:e12318. DOI: 10.1111/gec3.12318.

2017 Huh, K.I., B.G. Mark, Y. Ahn and C. Hopkinson. Volume change of tropical Peruvian glaciers from multi-temporal digital elevation models (DEMs) and its volume surface area scaling. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 99(3), 222-239.

2017 Stansell, N. J. Licciardi, D.T. Rodbell and B.G. Mark. Tropical ocean-atmospheric forcing of Late Glacial and Holocene glacier fluctuations in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 4176–4185. DOI:10.1002/2016GL072408.

2017 La Frenierre, J. and B.G. Mark. Detecting Patterns of Climate Change at Volcán Chimborazo, Ecuador by Integrating Instrumental Data, Public Perceptions and Glacier Change Analysis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 107(4), 979-997. DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2016.1270185.

2017 Hellström, R.A., A. Fernandez, B.G. Mark and J. Covert. Exploring scales of mountain valley winds and lapse rates in the Peruvian Andes: hydroclimatic insights from embedded observations and dynamical downscaling. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 107, 260-273.

2017    Mark, B. G., A. French, M. Baraer, M. Carey, J. Bury, K. R. Young, M. H. Polk, O. Wigmore, P. Lagos, R. Crumley, J. M. McKenzie & L. Lautz (2017) Glacier loss and hydro-social risks in the Peruvian Andes. Global and Planetary Change 159, 61-76.


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