2025 Climate Change Literacy Workshop for Central Ohio Youth
A collaborative program of the Byrd Polar Climate and Research Center, Ohio State University Extension, Franklin County 4-H; and Sustainable Columbus.
Event Details
Dates: June 2, 4 and 5, 2025 (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: The Ohio State University Columbus Campus
Who Can Participate: Youth who have completed grades 8, 9, 10, 11, OR 12
Cost: There will be a a small fee for a t-shirt and parking; lunch will be provided (you will not be billed until after you receive confirmation of acceptance)
How to Apply
Please answer all questions on the application clearly and completely before submitting. The application can be found using the button below. Deadline: March 14, 2025, by midnight.
What to Expect
Youth selected to attend the program will spend two days learning how scientists understand our Earth system, exploring climate change impacts, participating in tours, learning from scientists in a diverse range of disciplines, and participating in simulations. Day three will be spent designing a project that educates others and/or takes action to make a community more climate resilient. Youth will receive feedback about their community action plans to help them think of ways to make their project a reality. Teams are welcome to apply to attend as a group. Organizers are looking for youth who are interested in learning and having a positive impact on their community. Attendees are not expected to have a deep knowledge of climate change or its impacts before hand, but are expected to commit to attending all three days and should have an interest in community action projects. Youth who live in Columbus might also be eligible to submit an application for funding from the Columbus Youth Climate Action Fund as part of the workshop.
For additional information reach out to:
Jason Cervenec, Education & Engagement Director, Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
Office: 614-688-0080, cervenec.1@osu.edu