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Heroes All: Race to the Pole by Dennis Schenborn

February 21, 2023
1:00PM - 2:30PM

Date Range
Add to Calendar 2023-02-21 13:00:00 2023-02-21 14:30:00 Heroes All: Race to the Pole by Dennis Schenborn In 1911 two men raced to the South Pole, one got there first and returned safely; the other died and became a legend. This is the story that Dennis Schenborn presents in his novel "Heroes All: Race to the Pole," which reveals details and first person accounts of the Amundsen and Scott expeditions.  Schenborn is an M.S. graduate from University of Wisconsin-Madison and has journeyed to Antarctica on two NSF expeditions. His interest in the Amundsen and Scott expeditions began during a winter on the frozen continent while reading the first hand accounts of these expeditions, sparking his curiosity and leading him to seek out answers to his many questions.  This presentation will take place on Zoom, register at the link below Webinar Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center byrd-contact@osu.edu America/New_York public

In 1911 two men raced to the South Pole, one got there first and returned safely; the other died and became a legend. This is the story that Dennis Schenborn presents in his novel "Heroes All: Race to the Pole," which reveals details and first person accounts of the Amundsen and Scott expeditions. 

Schenborn is an M.S. graduate from University of Wisconsin-Madison and has journeyed to Antarctica on two NSF expeditions. His interest in the Amundsen and Scott expeditions began during a winter on the frozen continent while reading the first hand accounts of these expeditions, sparking his curiosity and leading him to seek out answers to his many questions. 

Dennis Schneborn and Book Cover

This presentation will take place on Zoom, register at the link below