The History of Aviation in Antarctica and the Recovery of Byrd’s Fokker from the Ice

May 1, 2017
All Day
BPCRC Auditorium (240 Scott Hall)

BPCRC Video Screening and Talk by Robert Byrd Breyer, retired field engineer and grandson of Admiral Richard E. Byrd

Please feel free to bring your lunch. Cookies will be provided.

Video Synopsis:

Bob Breyer will present a video illustrating the history of aviation in Antarctica from Douglas Mawson in 1912 to today. The film includes clips of historical flights including Byrd’s flight to the South Pole and black and white clips showing the Fokker before and after its destruction in 1929. There will also be a narration and film about plans to recover the Fokker from the Ice and return it to the States for display in a museum.


Robert Byrd Breyer is the second oldest of 13 Byrd grandchildren. He achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, and has BS and MBA degrees from USC. Bob followed in his grandfather’s footsteps, traveling to Antarctica three times to build the Dome South Pole Station in the 1970s. He is currently heading up a private expedition to recover his grandfather’s Fokker Super Universal airplane destroyed in an Antarctic blizzard in 1929, with the goal of eventually displaying it in a museum.

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