Ling Zhang is a professor in the Department of History at Boston College and the author of The River, the Plain, and the State: An Environmental Drama in Northern Song China, 1048-1128. She received the 2017 George Perkins Marsh Prize for the Best Book in Environmental History from the American Society for Environmental History.
In this presentation, professor Zhang will discuss the transformation of the Xin'an river valley in east China after the instillation of a major dam in the mid-twentieth century, the mourning of the lost land passed on across three generations, and what oral history and ethnography reveal in the new historical context of environmental degradation, resource shortage, and climate change.
This is a Center for Historical Research event and co-sponsored by the Institute for Chinese Studies, the East Asian Studies Center, and the Mershon Center for International Security Studies.
Learn more and register by visiting the Mershon Center.