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The 29th Polar Libraries Colloquy: Arctic Connections

June 24, 2024

The 29th Polar Libraries Colloquy: Arctic Connections

Aerial view of a coastal city and a long bridge next to a body of water.
Downtown Tromsø by Yngve Olsen Sæbbe

The 29th Polar Libraries Colloquy took place earlier this month, from June 9-14, 2024, in Tromsø, Norway. 

Participants, including Byrd Center members, Polar Archivist Laura Kissel and Education and Outreach Director Jason Cervenec, met to discuss topics such as Minorities and Indigenous People in the Arctic Region of Norway, Identifying and Benchmarking Polar Research: Bibliometric Issues and Implications, Arctic LIS Intersections: Examples of Scholarly Connections Between Library and Information Sciences and Arctic Studies, Facilitating Research on Arctic Special Collections: Tales from the Tromsø Historical Map Collection and International Arctic Policy from the Cold War to Today.
Laura Kissel being presented a gift by a person  in a room with people seated, clapping..
Laura Kissel being presented with a gift for her role as the organization’s secretary for fifteen years.
With over over twenty papers, presentations, and workshops, the host committee and their colleagues did a wonderful job organizing  the event.  After Kissel's talk, she was presented with a gift for serving as the organization’s secretary for fifteen years.
The Byrd Center will host the next colloquy in Columbus in 2026.
Logo for the Polar Libraries Colloquy
Image to the right: Downtown Tromsø by Yngve Olsen Sæbbe

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