Byrd Center Course Offerings | Spring 2019

October 16, 2018

Byrd Center Course Offerings | Spring 2019

EarthSc 6750: Paleoclimatology

This spring, EarthSci 6750 Paleoclimatology and 5650 Glaciology will be offered back-to-back on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Byrd Center on West Campus!

EarthSc 6750: Paleoclimatology


EarthSc 6750: Paleoclimatology

Tuesday & Thursday | 9:40–10:50am
Dr. Lonnie Thompson, 177 Scott Hall


Examination of climate records in ice, lake, and marine cores, tree rings, corals and historical records for a global perspective of Quaternary climate change.

Open to Graduate Students or Undergraduates with Senior Petition and permission of instructor.

Contact Lonnie Thompson with questions regarding EarthSc 6750.

EarthSc 5650: Glaciology


EarthSc 5650: Glaciology

Tuesday & Thursday | 11:10am–12:30pm
Dr. Ian Howat , 177 Scott Hall


The fundamental processes controlling ice flow, glacier mass balance and the interaction of glaciers and ice sheets with the solid earth, ocean and atmosphere.  Observational and computational methods are also addressed.

Open to Graduate Students or Undergraduates with EarthSci 4450 or permission of instructor.

Contact Ian Howat with questions regarding EarthSc 5650.


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