Dr. Aaron Wilson Receives Lois M. Jones Award

February 10, 2022

Dr. Aaron Wilson Receives Lois M. Jones Award

Aaron at Farm Science Review

Dr. Aaron Wilson became the first person to receive the inaugural Lois M. Jones Award for Science Access, Engagement, and Communications. This award is given to a Byrd Center Member who has done significant work to advance causes in any scientific field, including increasing access of underrepresented communities to science opportunities, engaging new communities in the research enterprise, and improving or expanding communication of scientific information.

Aaron has been a dedicated member of the Byrd Center since he worked the Education and Outreach team as a graduate student. During that time Aaron eloquently led tours, delivered outreach talks, and thoughtfully discussed his research with non-technical audiences using visual aids and additional information. Over the years, Aaron quickly became the Center's go-to speaker for Ohio climate impacts and had built a strong rapport with the agricultural community though his work with OSU Extension. 

Aaron approaches audiences with respect and humility, and he is almost always willing to to work with new groups and participate in novel collaborations. Over the last three to four years, his work has included generating drought forecasts for the Ohio Emergency Management Agency and participating in U.S. Drought Monitor calls, creating agricultural weather and climate podcasts for statewide distribution, and liaising with partners in the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and United States Department of Agriculture. Today, his presentations and research findings are highly sought after by agricultural community groups, news outlets, publications, teaching faculty, and commodity groups.  

Aaron relishes working with students, especially undergraduates; he has mentored undergraduate students on NSF projects and those completing independent research projects. He looks for ways in his externally funded projects to involve undergraduate students in paid positions and works to increase access to science for students from underrepresented communities.

Congratulations, Aaron!

Nominations for the next award should be submitted by Fall 2022. Learn more about the Lois M. Jones Award here >>