Undergraduate Senior Blake Murray, Second Place Winner at the Denman Forum

Last week, The Ohio State University undergraduate seniors shared their research at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. This prestigious annual event, named after Richard J. and Martha D. Denman, has been a cornerstone of the Ohio State academic calendar since 1995, allowing students to showcase their research projects and share them with a broader audience.
Over two hundred participants were evaluated by a distinguished panel of faculty, staff, and Denman alum reviewers based on their ability to communicate their research process and findings effectively.
One of the participants, Blake Murray from the Department of Geography's Atmospheric Sciences Program, was awarded second place in the Earth & Beyond Category for his research "An Evaluation of the Accuracy of Numerical Weather Prediction for a Summer Antarctic Severe Storm."
Blake's research evaluated the accuracy of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast and Global Forecast System models in predicting severe storms in the Antarctic, particularly for the Drake Passage, using data from 26 November to 1 December 2022, which confirms that these models can accurately predict storms up to five days in advance, with mean sea level pressure being the most accurately modeled variable.
The Denman Forum is a celebration of the exciting research undertaken by the students and a testament to the faculty research mentors' dedication. Blake is a member of Byrd Center's Polar Meteorology Group, working with his research advisor, Dr. David Bromwich.
Congratulations to Blake and all the other Denman award recipients. To learn more and see the list of winners in different categories, visit the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum or see Murray's abstract.