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Outreach Innovation Grants

Awards & Scholarships

Outreach Innovation Grants

Updated 12/18/17

The 2017 recipients are:

The first BPCRC Outreach Innovation Grant was awarded to Dr. Emilie Beaudon and Dr. Julien Nicolas. Their project, titled Mapping the Byrd Center’s Research for Interactive Web Visualization and Discovery: Exploratory Phase, is a timely and innovative idea that will help communicate the Center’s global research scope with the public.

The next call for proposals will be in Fall 2019 (TBA).

Attention Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS, POSTDOCS, AND GRADUATE STUDENTS. Grants are available for novel outreach initiatives that communicate the work of the center with individuals and groups in the broader community. A non-inclusive list of how the money could be used includes - creation of outreach materials (physical or digital), communication with the public (travel or publication support), organization of an event (workshop, conference, or camp), and promotion of mentoring (such as with an undergraduate or high school student intern). Preference will be given to projects that (1) foster collaboration between two research foci at the Byrd Center OR collaboration between research at the Byrd Center and research in another unit on campus, and (2) projects that involve more than one BPCRC member. 

Applications are to be submitted to:

Jason Cervenec (cervenec.1@osu.edu)
Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
The Ohio State University
108 Scott Hall, 1090 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210

Applications are due by September 22, 2017.  Grant awards will be made during the last week of October 2017 following a review by a 3-member committee. Applications must include: (1) a description of the proposed outreach project inclusive of any graphics (maximum of 2 pages including a title), (2) a description of your research written to be understood by the public (maximum of 1 page), (3) a list of past outreach conducted by the applicant(s), and (4) a brief detailed budget. The project description should include the target audience and explanation of the intended benefits.

Funds may not be used for salary of Byrd Center researchers, although small stipends for postdocs, graduate, undergraduate students, or other participants might be allowed under certain circumstances. Approximately $2,500 is allocated for these grants. Applicants are encouraged to consult Jason Cervenec with preliminary project ideas or questions.