

Balloon flying in the sky backdrop of snow covered mountain

YOPP-SH: The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere continues to 2024

The Polar Prediction Project (PPP), a decade-long initiative by the World Meteorological Organization's World Weather Research Programme (WWRP), ended on December 31, 2022. The…

A large green tree in a grass field under blue skies and white clouds

Forest Growing Season Has Increased by a Month in the Eastern U.S. over the Past Century

A new study has found that the growing period of hardwood forests in eastern North America has increased by an average of one month over the past century due to rising temperatures. Researchers…

Aerial view of the tree tops in sunlight

Estimating Canopy Height Change Using Machine Learning by Coupling WorldView-2 Stereo Imagery with Landsat 7

A study recently published in the International Journal of Remote Sensing titled Estimating canopy height change using machine learning by coupling WorldView-2 stereo imagery with…

A tent in a distance on snow covered ground under sunny blue skies.

Opposite Mass Balance Variations Between Glaciers in Western Tibet and the Western Tien Shan

Recent research published in Global and Planetary Change studied the mass balance variations between glaciers situated in western Tibet and western Tien Shan during the ablation season,…

black and white image of a steel bridge

The Environmental Impact and Management of Steel Corrosion

A new study led by Ohio State alum Mariano Iannuzzi, professor of materials and corrosion science at Curtin University, and co-author Gerald Frankel, professor in the …

A Road Closed sign with a sandbag on it blocking a flooded road.

Ongoing and Future Projected Intensification of Wet and Dry Extremes in North America​


Kyungmin (Kay) Sung, a postdoctoral scholar at Stagge Hydrology Lab at The Ohio State University is the lead author of a study titled…

A USGS map of California's Central Valley showing topography and rivers with colors and names  with the pacific ocean on one side in blue and  Nevada in tan on the other side.

Using Satellite Altimetry Data to Monitor Groundwater Depletion Through Land Subsidence in California's Central Valley

Xuechen Yang, a graduate student in The School of Earth Sciences (SES) at The Ohio State University, is the lead author of a study using satellite altimetry data from California's…

An illustration of CNES showing a gold SWOT satellite in orbit above land of water and vegetation with sunlight glinting off the water and one array of solar panels, as well as both blue tile KaRIn instrument antennas deployed.

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite to Collect Data on Over 90% of the Water on Earth's Surface

On December 16, 2022, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was launched into space from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, carrying with it the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT)…

Map of India in green with some outline of blue and some yellow at the top, with a legend for colors included in the map showing land use and land cover classification January 2022

Improving Forest Sustainability in Pan-India

Last month, Ying Zuo, a graduate student in the School of Earth Sciences (SES) at The Ohio State University, presented a research poster at the American…