The purpose of the Byrd Center's annual Symposium is to showcase climate change research at Ohio State and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.
The morning session will celebrate six decades of impact in polar and climate studies with presentations from leading Byrd Center researchers and students.
A lunchtime poster session will allow participants to experience the wide range of climate research at OSU and interact with researchers.
The afternoon session will explore the nexus of climate, water and health with three expert speakers and a panel discussion on this critical, emerging area of interdisciplinary research.
In person: for capacity reasons, in person registration is closed.
Virtual/Zoom: If you would like to attend virtually via Zoom, please register below.
- Onsite attendance will be limited. Please only register for onsite attendance if you fully expect to attend.
- The onsite registration fee includes light refreshments during breaks.
- Boxed Lunches will be available with vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options.
- Those who indicate an intent to present posters will be asked to submit final titles and abstracts in late September, as well as pdf versions of the poster to place online.
- Registration and lunch fees will be waived for student poster presenters.
- Closed captioning will be provided, as well as other accommodations as requested on the registration.
- Onsite attendees will be expected to follow OSU protocols regarding the prevention of COVID-19 transmission.
- All fees will be refunded if changes in COVID-19 restrictions prevent onsite attendance.