
A Conversation with Dr. Michael Durand about his NASA funded SnowEx Fieldwork in Alaska
In March, Professor Michael Durand traveled to Alaska for snow fieldwork. He joined a group of a dozen researchers from around the country, for a scouting trip to support a much larger…

SnowEx 2019 workshop
I’m presenting a poster on Blender, our algorithm to merge multiple kinds of observations for SWE estimation. Here’s a flowchart of how it works (link).
The first version of the algorithm…

Congratulations Apoorva Shastry
Congratulations Apoorva Shastry for successfully defending her thesis entitled “Improving Topography Data for Flood Modeling: A CaseStudy in the Logone Floodplain”.

Eastern Snow Conference 2019
I’m excited for the 2019 Eastern Snow Conference meeting!
You can find a draft paper written in support of the poster presentation.
The final poster is available.

New paper by Steve T
One goal of the Measuring the Water Cycle research group is to improve global estimates of river discharge by utilizing remote sensing data to fill gaps in gaging networks. With currently…

New paper by Apoorva
Apoorva Shastry has just had a paper accepted in Frontiers. Describing it, she writes:
According to the World Disasters Report, over 59,000 people were killed with 865 million…

AGU 2018
The Water Cycle group had a strong showing at AGU 2018. Here is a link to my slides on a strategy to integrate gages and SWOT measurements using Lagrangian multipliers.

Graduate Research Assistant Position Open
The “Measuring the Water Cycle” group has an open position in snow remote sensing. The position is related to SnowEx (NASA GSFC page, Eos piece), a multi-year airborne and field experiment to…

Congratulations Steve Tuozzolo!
Congratulations to Steve Tuozzolo who successfully defended his thesis entitled “A study of river discharge estimation methods for the forthcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission…