

Golden Gate Bridge over the rocky bay with text: WIDE OPEN SCIENCE San Francisco, CA & Online Everywhere 11-15 December 2023 AGU23


Annually, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting brings together over 25,000 participants from more than 100 countries, fostering a global platform for sharing research and networking. This…

Getz Ice Shelf - white mountain of ice in clear blue water.

Assessing the Thickness of Antarctic Ice Shelves: Concurrent Airborne Altimetry and Ice Measurements Reveal Thinner Profiles Than Expected

Recent research published in the Journal of Glaciology is the first large-scale study of its kind focusing on the accuracy of estimating the thickness and mass loss of Antarctic ice…

A white woman with short, blonde hair standing in front of a map of Antarctica

Congratulations Allison!


Allison Chartrand successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation earlier this month. The title of her dissertation was The Evolution and Impact of Kilometer-scale Melt…

White Polar Bear standing on snow in front of a body of water.

Measuring the Massive Melt

Tom Chudley, Leverhulme research fellow at Durham University in the United Kingdom and former research associate at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at…

A glacier with a ripple like effect across the top of it

A Once-Stable Glacier in Greenland Is Now Rapidly Disappearing Due to Warming Atlantic Waters

Greenland's Steenstrup Glacier, previously stable for decades, is now retreating at an unprecedented rate, according to a study published today in the journal Nature Communications. The rapid…

AI River Map

Deep learning models track river extents at sub-meter resolutions

Earth’s surface water, such as river flow paths and inundated floodplains, evolves spatially over time. Where and how much surface water is present is critical for evaluating droughts, floods, and…

Aerial view of an icy shoreline against a dark blue body of water

Antarctica’s ice could cross this scary threshold within 40 years

Dr. Ian Howat, Byrd Center Research Scientist and head of the Glacier Dynamics research group, recently spoke to National Geographic about glacial melt in Antarctica.

A silhouette of a person walking into the arctic landscape. The ground is snowy and icy

Ohio State Studies Greenland's Big Retreat

Columbus Monthly recently spoke with Byrd Center researchers about Greenland's melting glaciers and the broader implications of climate change, here in Columbus, Ohio.

Penguins group together on the ice. The dark blue arctic waters are seen directly in front of them

Antarctica’s ice melt isn’t consistent, new analysis shows

Sea-level predictions may need adjustment