
Congratulations to the Byrd FLL Penguins - Winners of the First in Show: Masterpiece Champion of the Game Trophy!
This past weekend, the Penguins won the top award in their regional competition held at PAST Foundation. The Penguins' coaches were also awarded the Coach/Mentor Award.
Each year,…

It's Time to Talk About Climate Change
Climate conversations often focus on the severity of climate change, or the "it's real," "it's us," "experts agree," and "it's bad," but experts want to make sure constituents know that "others…

2022 McKenzie-Brecher Undergraduate Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to all 6 of this year's Garry McKenzie & Henry Brecher Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship recipientsAbby Dietrich is a Chemical Engineering student and an Undergraduate…

Congratulations Gabo!
Gabriel Zeballos Castellon (“Gabo”) successfully defended his PhD dissertation last month. The title of Gabo’s dissertation was “Atlas of Bofedales in the Outer Tropical Andes: Spatial…

Dr. Fazlul Haq Awarded Prestigious Research Grant in Pakistan
At the end of last year, Dr. Fazlul Haq joined the Byrd Center as a Byrd Post-Doctoral Scholar to study the physical and human dimensions of glacial and hydrological dynamics in the Hindukush-…

Congratulations Emilio!
Emilio Mateo successfully defended his PhD dissertation. The title of Emilio’s dissertation was, “Hydrological shifts and the role of debris-covered glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru.” His…

Congratulations Tal!
Congratulations to Tal Shutkin for successfully defending his master's thesis entitled, "Multi-Temporal Glacier-Climate Interactions in Peru’s Queshque Valley (~10S): Modeling Contemporary…

Metal pollution and glacier melt in Peru (GlacierHub)
As glaciers continue to rapidly melt in the tropics, scientists and society face new challenges like the increase in trace metal concentration and pollution in the glacier watersheds. GlacierHub…

Glacier Environmental Change Featured in The New York Times
The New York Times article features the research held by our groupShowing its relevance for society, the NYT recently featured our research on glacier hydrology in Peru in a piece of the…