It's Time to Talk About Climate Change

Climate conversations often focus on the severity of climate change, or the "it's real," "it's us," "experts agree," and "it's bad," but experts want to make sure constituents know that "others care," and "there's hope."
The Columbus Dispatch recently published an opinion piece with guest columnists Jason Cervenec, Geddy Davis, Bryan Mark, Karina Peggau and Aaron Wilson from The Ohio State University's Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center (Byrd Center) and the State Climate Office of Ohio.
The Byrd Center's Education and Outreach Group and the State Climate Office work with Center experts to communicate the science behind climate change to Ohioans and the public. The recent increase in climate-related questions and requests from diverse groups indicates people acknowledge climate change and are interested in solutions. But more engaging science and action-based conversations need to take place in more settings throughout the state.
The widespread concern confirms that others care. Open conversations about climate change will help address climate anxiety, specifically in young people who feel their future is at risk, and more discussions can improve understanding and lead to climate-informed policies.
The hope is that actions can make a difference. Opportunities exist for climate-informed investment and the need for a skilled workforce in climate-related fields. Education on climate change should be accessible to a broader range of students and professionals, including those in technical training and certificate programs.
Conversations are the starting point for meaningful action and working together to create a climate-resilient future, focusing on long-term impacts, not just the immediate weather.
Read the full article in The Columbus Dispatch, 'It's us,' 'there's hope,' and 4 other things we must face about climate change| OSU experts.