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Last month National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) released its annual HAB forecast for western Lake Erie. The forecast for this summer is a smaller than average…

Austin Weber successfully completed his Master of Science (MS) degree requirements. The title of Austin's thesis presentation was Amazonian Influences on the Hydrological and…

Gabriel Zeballos Castellon (“Gabo”) successfully defended his PhD dissertation last month. The title of Gabo’s dissertation was “Atlas of Bofedales in the Outer Tropical Andes: Spatial…

At the end of last year, Dr. Fazlul Haq joined the Byrd Center as a Byrd Post-Doctoral Scholar to study the physical and human dimensions of glacial and hydrological dynamics in the Hindukush-…

In a recent interview with Ohio State News Science Journalist Tatyana Woodall, Lonnie Thompson, Byrd Center Senior Research Scientist and Distinguished University Professor at The Ohio State…

The duo are the recipients of the BBVA Foundation's 14th edition of the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. The BBVA Foundation’s 14th edition of the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards…

Cincinnati Magazine recently published a news article titled Climate Change is Just Getting Warmed up in which Bryan Mark, State Climatologist and Professor of Geography and Byrd Center…

Demián Gómez, Assistant Professor in the School of Earth Sciences (SES) and Byrd Center researcher at The Ohio State University, recently co-authored a report published in the journal…

One of the many adverse effects of climate change is the warming of the oceans, leading to more frequent coral bleaching events around the world. Andrea Grottoli, professor of Earth Sciences…